Notice to fish harvesters - 2023 LOBSTER FISHERY SEASON IN LOBSTER FISHING AREA 25 (LFA 25)
Message from DFO
Moncton, New Brunswick (NB) – August 11, 2023 –The Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Gulf Region, wishes to inform industry that the opening date for the lobster fishery in Lobster Fishing Area (LFA) 25 will be Sunday August 13, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. The last day of fishing will be October 14, 2023.
Update - August 11, 2023
On Sunday, it is permitted to put your traps in the water. Fishing and sales will start on Monday.
Update - August 10, 2023
Update - Wednesday, August 9, 2023
Please note that if fishing starts on Saturday, it will start at midday and the curfew will be postponed for Saturday only.
This is due to difficult weather conditions in the morning.
Notice for Herring 16B et 16C&E - pilot project for daily overruns
As published in the fishing plan yesterday, DFO has accepted for a 4th year the pilot project for daily overruns of landing so that fishermen are not penalized.
To be eligible, you must register as soon as possible so that this is reflected in your Conditions of Licence.
You have until Wednesday, August 16th (4:30) to register by coming to our offices of Shediac (506-532-2485) or Tracadie (506-395-6366) to fill the necessary forms.
No delays can be allowed, as we have an obligation to provide a list and the contracts to DFO. Thank you for your participation!
2023 - Conservation Harvesting Plan for the herring fall fishery in Herring Fishing Areas 16A to 16G – Fleets using gillnets
Moncton and Québec - August 8, 2023 - This Conservation Harvesting Plan (CHP) presents the management measures for fleets using gillnets.
For further information on fishing requirements and restrictions, licence holders must refer to their respective conditions of licence. Conditions of licence will be made available for participating harvesters in the National Online Licensing System (NOLS).