Whalesafe Gear Engagement Sessions
Please find in attachment, the updated agenda with locations and a few questions in preparation for the upcoming Whalesafe Gear Engagement Sessions. The Species at Risk Program also provided in attachment some supplementary information.
Please register for the event at: https://forms.gle/SfsdHwrdS6tcV4e2A.
Voluntary adoption of LBS gear modifications in 2024
Message from DFO
Open enrollment: U.S.-Canada Town Meeting
Fishermen can now sign up to participate in the U.S.-Canada Town Meeting on January 18th and 19th 2024, in Moncton. Enrolment also includes a free pass to attend the Fish Canada/Workboat Canada event on January 19th and 20th, in Moncton. For the enrollment link and additional information: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/us-canada-lobster-town-meeting-january-18-19-2024-moncton-nb-registration-731353948347
Please note:
The AGM of the 23D community of interest will be held at a later date. The new date will be communicated to you.
Changes to the inspection of written emergency procedures on board fishing vessels
Transport Canada would like to inform you that they will be enforcing their regulations with inspections of safety procedures on board fishing vessels.
Inspectors from Transport Canada's Marine Safety and Security Division have been instructed to check the following on vessels and with crew members:
1. Written emergency procedures are available on board.
2. Your crew members know where to find the procedures.
3. All crew members know and understand them.
If an inspector comes to your boat (planned or surprise inspection) and considers that you are not complying with these regulations, he may impose the following measures:
For sample forms, go to the website below. At the bottom of the page, you'll see a table showing the types of templates and how to use them.
Templates for small fishing vessel procedures (canada.ca)
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with your Fisheries Advisor.